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Oak Engine

Oak Engine is a game engine I’ve been working on for around 7 years built completely from scratch. The runtime dependencies are restricted to SDL with some small C libraries for loading images, assets, etc… My main goals for the engine are to learn as much as possible by diving deep into the underlying topics and knowledge required for implementing each feature, as well as to have a production ready application for indie game development and game jams. Checkout some of the games I’ve made with Oak Engine

PGA rigid body physics
Rendering test scene
3d viewport and level editor
Glossy screen space reflections
Old showcase video (5 years old)

The Only Survivor Miraculously had no Internet

My most recent project started as a game jam for the Global Game Jam 2023. It’s a logic based hacking puzzle game with art by dystoth.

Restore Vulcan

Restore Vulcan is a game I made in my engine with some friends during the Global Game Jam in 2020, a windows demo is available on itch.

Art by @artbykib, music by @kylelevek, sound effects by @joelcikaluk.

Fractured Genome

An early prototype arcade style twin-stick shooter I work on from time to time. It’s a 2d game with 3d ray-marched lighting and some other fun graphical effects